Golang - Check Multiple Errors in one Condition

mohammad ali
Sep 22, 2022

Sometimes you want to handle multiple errors in same condition. But it makes mess in your code.

if err1 != nil && err2 != nil && err3 != nil && err4 != nil{
print("Error occured ")

Obviously we can do this more elegantly. We can create a function to check if errors are nil or not. Just like this:

func AnyErr(errs ...error) error {
for _, e := range errs {
if e != nil {
return e
return nil

Now We can use it like this:

if e:=AnyErr(err1,err2,err3,err4); e != nil {
fmt.printf("Error occured %s",e.Error())

Looks more cool !!! Right !!!??



mohammad ali

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